lundi 19 janvier 2009

Recipe nº8: Soirée avec des garçons

4-5 bottles of Leffe Blonde (25cl)
a drop of whiskey

Drink the 4-5 beers warm, directly out of the case that's sitting on the floor. Use a lighter to open the bottles. Finish the night with the whiskey.

So as promised, here's episode 2 of the Manu and Dmitri show: The Party.

After spending the day attempting to cross-country ski (harder than it looks, ok?) and pulling small children around a (flat) yard in sleds, I was exhausted and not in the mood to party. Note: naps after 8pm are not a good idea. I texted Caitlin something to that effect, and immediately was called back: "Are you kidding me? If you don't come over right now, we're coming to get you." Reluctantly I showered, dolled myself up, and headed over.

The smoke hovered around Caitlin, Martin, Mathias, Romain and Manu in the hazy living room. Everyone laughed at me a bit for being tired, and then went on with the party, which I would characterize as divided into three phases: YouTubing (ok, this is France so DailyMotioning), sing-along, and finally dance party. The highlight of the first phase was the viewing of this video, which at the time seemed like the best thing I had ever seen. Was this just the Leffe Blonde talking? I'll let you judge for yourselves...

Part two was a good old-fashioned jam session/sing-along, where Manu finally got to witness my skeelz which were much improved as I had trimmed my nails. I don't think I blew his mind, unfortunately. But I did show him how to play the chorus of "Hey You've Got to Hide Your Love Away". There was much fun had by all.

Part three was candle-lit and techno-y, and after jumping around like a crazy person for a few songs, my second wind had died down and I was ready for bed. Of course I couldn't leave without having a classic awkward moment with "the boy". This is a scene I know by heart, as I'm sure many of you do as well, and have been experiencing since 7th grade.
Boy: C'mere, I want to tell you something.
You (reluctantly, not wanting to lean in that close OR hear what he has to say, as you know the gist all too well): Ok...
Boy (petulantly): You don't want to hear what I have to say?
You (screaming on the inside, "How old are you??!!"): Mmmm, I'm not sure...
Boy: Fine then. (pouts)
Five minutes later, he tells you anyway.
After shooting down yet another would-be French lover, in my heart-of-ice no remorse manner, I tottered home (more tired than drunk) to my bed.

Although I may talk of other things before then, do not fret Manu/Dmitri fans! Episode 3 will be aired after the January 24th "Code" concert, which I am being forced to pay 12 euros for since Romain loves Caitlin and has given her his free ticket, and I don't want to ask the boy for his or I will surely have to pay for it with my body. Beware, Caitlin!

That's all for now; I'm sure it was exactly how you imagined it, only better.
Have I converted a few Claude François fans, au moins?

3 commentaires:

Diary of Why a dit…

Um, no, it's not just you, the video is just that good. I was mesmerized and captivated. And am suddenly filled with the insatiable urge to dance...

Which boy was this? The long-haired one? We need names, please! :)

Scrappy a dit…

First, I know, I worry about my kidneys a little but mostly my liver. Second, Professor Boyer makes me feel a lot younger than I am. And last, Come here, I want to tell you something... no really: Congrats ice queen! next time ask for the mozzarella sticks! I think I'm rubbing off on you.

tal a dit…

i wish i had your self control!